God's Number
Mathematicians love the Rubik’s Cube. There’s no denying it. They are amazed at how such a seemingly simply puzzle can hold so many...

Top 5 most influential Rubik’s Cube speedsolvers of all time
Whilst there are hundreds of thousands of people who can solve the cube worldwide, and tens of thousands that can solve it quickly, not...

Design and Create your own Mosaics
https://www.youcandothecube.com/mosaics/create-your-own-mosaics/ Borrow one of our Mosaic Builder Sets for a 6 week period – plenty of...

The Rubik’s Cube
Are you interested in the World’s best selling puzzle toy? The Rubik’s Cube, originally called the “Magic Cube” is a a 3-D mechanical...

A Rubik’s Poem
Thanks to Dan Van der Vieren (aka "Mr. VdV") in Colorado. The poem was posted in couplets, in a total of 12 tweets over two days. Very...